{{ store.name }} — {{ page.name }} {{ head_content }} $(document).ready(function() { //Speed of the slideshow var speed = 4000; //You have to specify width and height in #slider CSS properties //After that, the following script will set the width and height accordingly $('#mask-gallery, #gallery li').width($('#slider').width()); $('#gallery').width($('#slider').width() * $('#gallery li').length); $('#mask-gallery, #gallery li, #mask-excerpt, #excerpt li').height($('#slider').height()); //Assign a timer, so it will run periodically var run = setInterval('newsscoller(0)', speed); $('#gallery li:first, #excerpt li:first').addClass('selected'); //Pause the slidershow with clearInterval $('#btn-pause').click(function () { clearInterval(run); return false; }); //Continue the slideshow with setInterval $('#btn-play').click(function () { run = setInterval('newsscoller(0)', speed); return false; }); //Next Slide by calling the function $('#btn-next').click(function () { newsscoller(0); return false; }); //Previous slide by passing prev=1 $('#btn-prev').click(function () { newsscoller(1); return false; }); //Mouse over, pause it, on mouse out, resume the slider show $('#slider').hover( function() { clearInterval(run); }, function() { run = setInterval('newsscoller(0)', speed); } ); }); function newsscoller(prev) { //Get the current selected item (with selected class), if none was found, get the first item var current_image = $('#gallery li.selected').length ? $('#gallery li.selected') : $('#gallery li:first'); var current_excerpt = $('#excerpt li.selected').length ? $('#excerpt li.selected') : $('#excerpt li:first'); //if prev is set to 1 (previous item) if (prev) { //Get previous sibling var next_image = (current_image.prev().length) ? current_image.prev() : $('#gallery li:last'); var next_excerpt = (current_excerpt.prev().length) ? current_excerpt.prev() : $('#excerpt li:last'); //if prev is set to 0 (next item) } else { //Get next sibling var next_image = (current_image.next().length) ? current_image.next() : $('#gallery li:first'); var next_excerpt = (current_excerpt.next().length) ? current_excerpt.next() : $('#excerpt li:first'); } //clear the selected class $('#excerpt li, #gallery li').removeClass('selected'); //reassign the selected class to current items next_image.addClass('selected'); next_excerpt.addClass('selected'); //Scroll the items $('#mask-gallery').scrollTo(next_image, 800); $('#mask-excerpt').scrollTo(next_excerpt, 800); }
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{% if page.permalink == 'home' %} #main {width:100%;} body.custom #main-content {width:950px;} #navigation {display:none;} {% endif %} {% if page.full_url contains '/fall' %} #main {width:100%;} body.custom #main-content {width:950px;} #navigation {display:none;} {% endif %}
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